PinQradio is a non commercial 24 hour fabulous independent radio stream.
We are based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We usually broadcast live shows on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights (CET). Please check our facebook page for latest info.

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Last but not least, we are a fun project (all volunteers!).


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Time for tunage by JUS fred at 20:00 CET <3 ... Bekijk meerZie minder

2 days ago
Time for tunage by JUS fred at 20:00 CET

1 ReactieComment on Facebook

Hello from S. Ca I tuned in on time today. too much heat here today 97 degrees plus a lot of political things going on here got to keep up with what is going on. Have a Happy Thursday

Yes people, time for tunes selected by JUS fred at 20:00 CET on <3 ... Bekijk meerZie minder

1 week ago
Yes people, time for tunes selected by JUS fred at 20:00 CET on

2 ReactiesComment on Facebook

Just tuned in from S. Ca sounding good one of your long sets, your as hot as I am in CA today 97 degrees. Been watching sport events lately so have missed you broadcast, but I am back. Happy Thursday

Looking good Freek!!

on air MUZIKALE KLIEKJES met Dik Onink & Ruud Rottink ... Bekijk meerZie minder

2 weeks ago
on air MUZIKALE KLIEKJES met Dik Onink & Ruud Rottink
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Christmas background image taken from Pixabay (Larisa-K)